RI Chapter 94 Fights to Protect Retirees’ Pensions: Opposing McKee’s Plan to Skip Supplemental Payments
RI Chapter 94 is standing up for retirees by pushing back against Governor McKee’s budget proposal to redirect over $20 million from the Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island (ERSRI)—funds that, by law, should be used to strengthen the pension system. READ MORE
Leading the Fight for Retirement Security
RI Chapter 94 Retirees is affiliated with AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, and the national retiree program, AFSCME Retirees.
We are public sector retirees, former state and municipal workers. As public sector retirees, we no longer sit at the bargaining table. Instead, we focus on legislative and legal efforts to address issues important to our retirement security. These include health care, pensions, annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs), and OPEBs, other post-employment benefits. We fight for retired workers on Smith Hill or at local town or city council meetings.
- Lunch is available at 12:15 pm at all Chapter meetings.
- Tuesday, January 14: Chapter Meeting with Outreach Staff from Butler Hospital's Memory and Aging Program, 1 pm at RI Council 94, Lower Level.
- Tuesday, February 11: Chapter Meeting with Ted Nesi, Channel 12
- Tuesday, March 11: Chapter Meeting, Details TBA
- Tuesday, April 8: Chapter Meeting and Lunch with the Executive Board at Quonset Tavern by the Green, North Kingstown, RI
- SAVE THE DATE - Special Meeting, August 12, 2025.
- Bob Dumais to discuss future of Social Security and Medicare
- Update on COLAS for Members retiring after 2012
*The Executive Board voted to amend our weather cancellation policy. We reschedule the Chapter meeting to the third Tuesday of the month if the Town of North Providence declares a parking ban or North Providence Schools are closed due to inclement weather.
Chapter Benefits
Members Only
Rhode Island Retirees Chapter 94: Keep up to date with the latest activities! For access to member only updates, news and resources, send us a request.
Labor Allies, Partners, and Friends
Elections and Voting
Legislative Resources
Supported Community Allies
Member Meetings
- Meeting Information
- We meet on the second Tuesday of the month, except for July and August. Most meetings are held at Ames Hall, the lower level meeting room at RI Council 94, 1179 Charles Street, North Providence, RI, and begin at 1:00 p.m. Meeting details can be found in our monthly newsletter, Chapter 94 News. Our meetings are accessible by Zoom, and our monthly newsletter includes instructions to request login credentials.
- Special Guests We invite guest speakers from the worlds of politics, government, media, and community advocacy. Guest presentations are usually followed by spirited exchanges of Qs & As. Many speakers ask for a second or third booking.
Have an idea for a meeting topic or guest? Send us an email.
A Leading Voice in Advocating for Local Public-Sector Retirees
Local and National Advocacy
While our focus is local, we're part of the 350,000-member retiree program at AFSCME. With 1million plus members, our national union is a leading voice to protect Social Security and Medicare.
We know our roots, so we’re bullish on giving back. Our members are active. Many serve on local political committees, sit on non-profit boards, or volunteer for community, civic, faith-based, and advocacy groups. Some are elected public officials. We support our communities, too, such as the RI Food Bank, NAMI of Bristol County, local scholarship funds, and other programs that help the vulnerable residents of our State.
Special Events
Because activists need breaks, we're keen on having fun. The member-friendly December holiday gala and Summer outing are must-attend events. And we don't skimp at meetings, where we serve a light lunch and delicious homemade snacks. Our meetings are hybrid, online, and in-person.
AFSCME Rhode Island Retirees Chapter 94 was established on March 12, 1980, in collaboration with AFSCME and the leadership of RI Council 94, including director Giovanni Folcarelli, who played a key role in our national union’s efforts to organize a network of retired public sector workers. John H. Slaven, Jr., was the first president of Chapter 94 and chaired the inaugural National Retiree Council. We work closely with RI Council 94 and its leadership, but RI Chapter 94 Retirees, while chartered by the national union AFSCME, is run democratically by an elected set of officers and executive board members.
We maintain our own treasury and are governed by bylaws adopted by the retiree members, not RI Council 94. Three trustees also serve in the leadership. Our Chapter President sits on the National Retiree Council and is a delegate to the bi-annual AFSCME Convention.
We are part of AFSCME’s Southern New England District led by International Vice President Jody Barr of AFSCME Connecticut Council 4. RI Chapter 94 is a legacy member of RIPERC, the Rhode Island Public Employees Retiree Coalition, and works with other labor-affiliated retirees to protect pension benefits and retiree health care in Rhode Island. Working with RIPERC, we offer various member-only benefits. We actively support the RI Chapter of the Alliance of Retired Americans, RI-ARA , and share its vision to mobilize retired union members and allies into a grassroots movement advocating an agenda that respects work and strengthens families.
Testimonies Presented to Pension Working Advisory Group by Chapter 94 Members
"Since 2005, our retirement security has been slowly eroded by the State. Many retirees like me, who faithfully served the State, struggle to keep up with the rising costs of heating our homes, putting gas in our cars, paying for auto and home insurance, and having enough to pay for food and groceries. The 2011 pension reform was the ultimate insult. It was a blow that took money out of our pockets and broke the promise made to us when we started our careers. That’s why many retirees feel frustrated and betrayed. However, I am optimistic and trust the Pension Advisory Working Group will consider the importance of reinstating annual COLAs and that our elected leadership will follow through on the recommendation."
Dolores Bresette
"A COLA would have allowed my family financial stability so I could wait until age 66 1/2 before collecting my Social Security benefits. But, because of the COLA suspension, I had to collect my Social Security at age 63 to help offset the loss of not receiving cost of living increases. It costs two months of my pension to cover taxes and insurances. This means that I live on ten months of my pension earnings. My Social Security benefits make up for the shortfall."
Ron Pepin
"I had a long career with the State, during which I planned and saved for my retirement years. The changes imposed by the 2011 legislation forced me and my family to alter how we approached retirement. All the financial planning to prepare for retirement was immediately rendered moot...I hope the Pension Working Advisory Group will recommend solutions to address the injustices rendered to retirees."
Mary Riley
Meet the Leadership
Michael Connolly, PresidentRuss Marsocci, Acting President and Municipal Vice President
Ronald Pepin, State Vice PresidentLinda Folcarelli, TreasurerDonna Folcarelli, Secretary
Mary Jane Anthony
Jose Berto
Peter Brousseau
Executive Board Members:
Dolores Bresette
Jamie Reilly
Mary Riley
Pearl Smith
How to Find Us
Get in Touch
1179 Charles Street North Providence RI 02904 US